Are you left-brained or right-brained? Supposedly, your brain lateralization determines how you view this animation.
Some people see her rotating clockwise. Others see her rotating counter-clockwise. Some see her unpredictably changing the direction of her rotation.
Supposedly, people who see clockwise rotation are right brained. People who see counter-clockwise rotation are left brained.
I originally came across this animation here.
But when everybody is doing the same supposition, it is taken almost as fact.
Why not make similar left/right brained supposition on the Necker cube?
I think there is no trick here .... or no optical illusion.
It is quite straight foward ... changing direction...
Watch the animation for about 30-50 secs ... with the idea the direction is changing... you can actually see the instant of changing the direction...
I wonder this has anything to do with left-right brain....
Right .... I agree that people see the image differently. I am interested in knowing how do you relate these variations to compartmentalization of brain?
>>>Supposedly, people who see clockwise rotation are right brained. People who see counter-clockwise rotation are left brained.
What about people who see neither? Like me - who see that the direction simply changes at about 10-20 secs.
I am interested to see how you make the connection?
However, note that I wrote "supposedly" in the original statement and "presumably" in this most recent statement :-)
I don't know how valid the science is, but it's definitely interesting how different people see the dancer differently.