Some problems that exist in the marketplace are dormant . Dormant problems are those problems of which your customers are not aware, and to which they will be oblivious until you present them with a new way of doing things. Before the advent of e-mail, few people or companies considered written communication to be inefficient or a problem. Yet imagine a company like Dell scrapping the use of e-mail and going back to using paper notes and memos for their internal communications. Not only would it be inconvenient, it would have a devastating impact on their bottom line. It was not apparent just how inefficient written communication had been until we started using e-mail. Inefficient written communication, therefore, was a dormant problem . Dormant problems are a challenge for a product manager to uncover, as well. Facilitation is one tool a product manager can use to uncover dormant problems. You also have to persistently ask, "Why?" Putting yourself in your customer's sh
"Smart product decisions"