Seth Godin recently advanced the following definition of "brand":
And Daniel Sitter elaborates:
[Prediction of what to expect] times [emotional power of that expectation]I have previously defined "brand" as
A set of associations imprinted in the mind of a customer.Either way, a brand exists in the mind of the customer.
And Daniel Sitter elaborates:
[Godin] also suggests that focus is also an important factor for companies to remember when marketing their brand. If a company has diversified into many industries, their brand often becomes diluted, forcing confusion into the mind of the consumer, and a confused mind does not buy. Furthermore, reading between the lines reveals that the tendency towards offering various brand extensions may also tend to cloud the branding efforts of a company, leading to poor consumer recognition. The solution... keep it simple, maintaining a brand focus.In other words, brand focus not only makes it easier to set customer expectations, but also helps maximize the emotional power of those expectations.
I also recommend that companies, especially small companies, spend their resources on developing the company's brand and not product brands. I see this too often. Products come and go, but the company brand should endure regardless.