As I've mentioned, marketing experts have long warned against brand extension. You want your brand to stand for a single idea in the customer's mind. Focusing on no more than three key messages (or even just one) in your marketing campaign and can help you achieve this goal.
Your focused messages must pervade your entire product and marketing effort. Every piece of marketing collateral should communicate the message. Every press release should somehow refer to the message. You should be able to incorporate every seemingly insignificant choice of features in your product into your messaging story.
Are you left-brained or right-brained? Supposedly, your brain lateralization determines how you view this animation. Some people see her rotating clockwise. Others see her rotating counter-clockwise. Some see her unpredictably changing the direction of her rotation. Supposedly, people who see clockwise rotation are right brained. People who see counter-clockwise rotation are left brained. I originally came across this animation here .