The Rolling Stones are set to play in Austin October 22nd. I have been a huge Rolling Stones fan for over twenty years. Yet I won't be seeing them play unless I luck into some free VIP tickets. The ticket expense, fighting crowds, hassles getting overpriced food and drink, and waiting in line to use the restroom don't appeal to me. The cost/benefit analysis just doesn't work for me.
Many consumers don't apply such cold cost/benefit analyses to their purchasing decisions, however. After every Austin City Limits Music Festival (an annual musical event here in Austin), friends tell me they will never go to it again. But then the next year they change their minds and go.
Don't assume your customers will have a rational basis for their purchasing decisions. It depends on the nature of your product and the psychology of your target market.
Many consumers don't apply such cold cost/benefit analyses to their purchasing decisions, however. After every Austin City Limits Music Festival (an annual musical event here in Austin), friends tell me they will never go to it again. But then the next year they change their minds and go.
Don't assume your customers will have a rational basis for their purchasing decisions. It depends on the nature of your product and the psychology of your target market.